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  • 001 416-875-5152
  • info@agamimmigration.com
  • 2 County Ct Blvd Suite 400, Brampton, ON L6W 3W8, Canada

About CICC

About CICC

we are approved by

College of Immigration and Citizenship Consultants CICC

CICC is the national regulatory body that promotes and protects the public interest by overseeing regulated immigration and citizenship consultants and international student advisors.

CICC’s current federal mandate stems from the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (IRPA) and the Citizenship Act which require anyone providing Canadian immigration or citizenship advice or representation for a fee or other consideration to be a member in good standing of CICC, a Canadian law society or the Chambre des notaires du Québec.

Individuals providing Canadian immigration/citizenship services abroad are subject to Canadian law even if they reside outside of Canada.


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